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New Recipe Collections

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We are proud to announce a major enhancement. We've replaced the original Recipe Box with something called Recipe Collections.

What is a Recipe Collection and how do I use it?

This allows you to more easily categorize your favorite recipes, by organizing them into as many different collections as you'd like.

Once you are logged in, you can create new collections and manage them via the My Recipe Collections link in the left Tools bar.

Creating new collections

You can add and remove recipes from your collections by selecting a collection name in the upper left of a recipe page.

Add or remove a recipe to a collection

What happened to my existing Recipe Box?

Any recipes in your existing recipe box have automatically been placed in a new collection for you called Recipe Box.

It's that simple!

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Anonymous User on 2012-07-16

Mmm, brunch reipce.Eggs Mille FeuilleServes 4You will need: * 2 sprigs of asparagus * 20ml mint sauce * 3 oxo cubes * 2 eggsInstructions: 1. sift the sprigs of asparagus 2. simmer the sprigs of asparagus gently for 20 minutes 3. add the sprigs of asparagus to the saucepan 4. mix the sprigs of asparagus in 5. whisk the eggs 6. sprinkle the eggs over the top 7. saute9 the mint sauce 8. toast the oxo cubes 9. throw it all away