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Pan-Grilled Corn with Chiles  (Not yet rated)

Corn that pairs up well with a salad

Cal: 99 Fat: 1g Carbs: 25g Protein: 2g Fiber: 2g
More Nutrition...

Original recipe serves 4

Ingredients (serves 4)

½ 2x 3x Reset

  • 6 ears corn
  • 1 jalapeno pepper
  • black pepper ; to taste
  • salt ; to taste
  • 1/2 cup cilantro
  • In My Kitchen

  • Directions

    Use a knife to strip the kernals from the corn. Put a large nonstick skillett over high heat and when it starts smoking add the corn and chile and let it sit a moment. As the corn brownsshake the pan so the blackness distributes evenly. Remove from heat add salt, pepper and cilantro. :o)

    Nutrition Facts*

    Based on a 2000 calorie diet per serving per serving
    DV %


    Calories: 98.7
    Total Sugars: 4.5g
    Carb.: 24.8g
    Fiber: 1.8g
    Total Fats: 0.6g
    Cholesterol: 0mg
    Protein: 2.4g
    Sodium: 385.7mg

    *Data provided by USDA

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