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Brigadeiro  (Not yet rated)

Brigadeiro is a traditional Brazilian dessert. It's like a very rich, chocolate bonbon covered in chocolate sprinkles.

Cal: 288 Fat: 10g Carbs: 45g Protein: 7g Fiber: 1g
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Original recipe serves 5

Ingredients (serves 24)

½ 2x 3x Reset

  • 67 1/5 ounces condensed milk ; sweetened
  • 14.4 tablespoons cocoa powder
  • 4.8 tablespoons butter
  • chocolate sprinkles
  • In My Kitchen

  • You will also need: saucepan


     Prep: 10 min | Cook: 10 min | Ready in: 35 min
    1. Heat condensed milk, cocoa powder, and butter in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Cook, stirring frequently to keep it from sticking to the bottom of the pan, until it thickens enough to show the bottom of the pan, about 10 minutes.  
    2. Remove the pan from heat. When cool enough to handle, roll the brigadeiro into 1 inch balls and roll them in chocolate sprinkles to coat them.
    3. Place brigadeiro in small candy cups/wrappers and serve.
    Original recipe makes 10-12.

    • ​This stuff is sticky when warm, so some people recommend greasing your hands with butter or margerine before rolling. To avoid using more butter, I just washed my hands occassionally when they got too sticky to roll effectively. Your mileage may vary.
    • A silicone spatula works well for stirring, or at least it worked better than a spoon.

    Nutrition Facts*

    Based on a 2000 calorie diet per serving per serving
    DV %


    Calories: 288.1
    Total Sugars: 43.2g
    Carb.: 45.1g
    Fiber: 0.6g
    Total Fats: 9.5g
    Cholesterol: 33.1mg
    Protein: 7g
    Sodium: 101.1mg

    *Data provided by USDA

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